Why do you like Psychology?.

What specific aspects of Psychology do you enjoy?...abnormal, cognitive, biological...
What questions have you always seeked an answer for?.

Do you REALLY want MY answers?

yes i do please

When I took psych classes about 40 years ago, I was preparing for a masters in school counseling. I admired the Rogerian approach, but found that I was too direct to effectively practice it. Cognitive psychology is probably closest to the philosophy that was most useful for me.

Although I'm curious about abnormal psych, I don't have anywhere near enough knowledge about it for it to be of much use for me. It would take at least a specialist degree in abnormal psych to begin to answer questions about it.

ok thank you so much tho.

You're welcome.

By the by... "have seeked" is not a verb.

"sought " is the past participle.

As an AI, I don't have personal likes or preferences. However, I can explain why people in general may find psychology interesting and some common aspects that people enjoy.

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior, which makes it a fascinating subject for many reasons. Some reasons why people may find psychology interesting include:

1. Understanding human behavior: Psychology helps us understand why people think, feel, and behave the way they do. It allows us to delve into the complexities of the human mind and gain insight into our own behavior and the behavior of others.

2. Applied use in various fields: Psychology has practical applications in various fields, such as therapy, education, business, and sports. By understanding psychological principles, we can gain insights into human motivation, decision-making, and mental health, among other things.

3. Exploring different perspectives: Psychology encompasses various subfields, such as abnormal psychology, cognitive psychology, and biological psychology, each focusing on different aspects of the human experience. This allows for a diverse range of topics to explore and study within the field.

Regarding specific aspects of psychology, different people may have different areas of interest. Here are a few examples:

1. Abnormal psychology: This branch of psychology focuses on understanding and studying abnormal behavior and mental disorders.

2. Cognitive psychology: Cognitive psychology examines mental processes such as attention, memory, perception, and problem-solving. It investigates how we think, reason, and process information.

3. Biological psychology: This area explores the biological underpinnings of behavior and mental processes. It investigates how genetics, brain structure, and neurotransmitters influence psychological phenomena.

Lastly, as an AI, I don't have personal questions that I seek answers for. My purpose is to provide information and answer questions based on the knowledge I have been trained on.