Here is a question on my science worksheet, "if a projectile's fall matches Earth's 'BLANK', the projectile will not hit earth." i need help figuring out what would go in the blank!

It is a very bad question.

I suspect the question is trying to make you understand that if something that is falling due to gravity, but it stays the same height from Earth, then it will never hit Earth, but remain in orbit.

The question is really bad if that is what it is aimed to elicit.
Sir Issac Newton described this problem; see his diagram

If it is fired too slowly, Earth's gravity pulls it and it hits Earth.
If it is fired too fast, Earth's gravity pulls on it, but it continues away, either ending in an elliptical orbit, or escaping from Earth entirely.
If it fired just right, it falls toward Earth, but never gets closer: it is in circular orbit.

what are two types of technologies that help people study the surface and composition of earth


To determine what word would go in the blank in your science worksheet, you need to identify the concept that describes the condition where a projectile's fall matches Earth's. Let's break down the problem:

1. Identify the concept: We need to find a term that describes when a projectile's fall matches Earth's.
2. Understand the question: The question suggests that when this condition is met, the projectile will not hit Earth.
3. Analyze possible answers: Think about concepts related to the relationship between a projectile's fall and Earth's conditions.

Considering these steps, the term that describes when a projectile's fall matches Earth's is "escape velocity." This is the speed a projectile must reach to counteract Earth's gravity and avoid falling back to the surface.

Hence, the word that might go in the blank is "escape velocity."