a store clerk has 600 pens in stock . he then issues 1/4 to a store . then issues another 1/6 to another store and 3/8 to the last store how much is still in stock?

1/4 + 1/6 + 3/8

Find the common denominator.

6/24 + 4/24 + 9/24 = 19/24

24/24 - 19/24 = 5/24

5/24 * 600 = 3,000/24 = 125

i love dividing

To find out how many pens are still in stock, we'll subtract the number of pens issued to the stores from the initial stock of 600 pens.

1. Calculate the number of pens issued to the first store: 600 x (1/4) = 150 pens.
2. Calculate the number of pens issued to the second store: 600 x (1/6) = 100 pens.
3. Calculate the number of pens issued to the last store: 600 x (3/8) = 225 pens.

Now, add up the pens issued to each store: 150 + 100 + 225 = 475 pens.

Finally, to find the number of pens still in stock, subtract the pens issued to the stores from the initial stock: 600 - 475 = 125 pens.

Therefore, there are 125 pens still in stock.