2 waves are traveling through a container of nitrogen gas. Amplitude of the first wave is 0.3 cm, and the second 0.9 cm. What is true about the two waves?

a. the energy of thee first wave is less than the second

b. energy of the first wave is greater

c. speed of the first wave is greater

d. speed of the first wave is greater

The bigger one has more energy.

To determine which statement is true about the two waves, let's analyze the information given.

The amplitude of a wave is a measure of its maximum displacement from the equilibrium position. It is not directly related to the energy or speed of the wave.

Therefore, we can conclude that the amplitude of the waves does not provide any information about the energy or speed of the waves. Thus, options a, b, c, and d cannot be determined based on the given information.

In conclusion, we cannot determine which statement is true about the two waves based on the given information.

To determine which statement is true about the two waves, we need to understand the relationship between wave properties. The energy of a wave is directly proportional to the square of its amplitude. The speed of a wave, on the other hand, depends on the medium through which it is traveling and is independent of the wave's amplitude.

Given that the amplitude of the first wave is 0.3 cm and the amplitude of the second wave is 0.9 cm, we can conclude that the energy of the second wave is greater than the energy of the first wave. This means that option (b) is correct.

However, the speed of the waves is not given, so we cannot determine if the speed of one wave is greater than the other. Therefore, neither option (c) nor option (d) can be determined based on the information provided.

In summary, the correct answer is: (b) The energy of the first wave is greater.