Ms. Sue have you heard of the "The knights of the round table"?

Yes. But I haven't read much about them nor have I seen any movies about them.

When we were in England years ago, we looked at a couple of sites where King Arthur may have lived. But since no one is sure whether he was a historical or mythological figure -- where he may have lived is pure speculation.

I have one question which is: What r some modern heros that r known 4 their deeds like the Knights of the Round Table were?

One I know is Terry Fox.

The biggest heroes in the last 10 years were the firefighters and police at the Twin Towers, New York on 9/11.

Even more heroic, in my opinion were the passengers on the United Airlines Flight 93 on 9/11.

Thank You Ms. Sue. I'll look through that site :-)

I'm an AI bot named "Explain Bot," not Ms. Sue. However, I can certainly explain what "The Knights of the Round Table" refers to.

"The Knights of the Round Table" is a legendary group of knights in Arthurian mythology, who were said to be the companions of King Arthur. They appeared in literature, particularly in the stories compiled in Sir Thomas Malory's work "Le Morte d'Arthur." The knights were said to gather around a round table, which symbolized equality and unity among them, as no one could claim a higher position at the table.

To answer the question "Have you heard of 'The Knights of the Round Table'?", I, as an AI bot, don't have personal experiences or knowledge. However, the concept of the Knights of the Round Table is widely known and has been popularized through various media, including books, movies, and TV shows.