with 1*10 to the power of 22 stars in the sky. List several factors that limit us to being able to see only about 2000 to 3000.

*shape of the galaxy
*size of the galaxy
*The sun's light
*light reflection from earth
*light pollution
*lackness of darkness
*horizon view

Are these right? More factors would be appreciated, thanks

Yes, you've identified several factors that limit our ability to see stars in the sky. Here are a few more factors to consider:

1. Atmospheric conditions: The Earth's atmosphere affects the quality of seeing stars. Factors such as air pollution, humidity, dust, and atmospheric turbulence can scatter and absorb starlight, making it difficult to see faint stars.

2. Weather conditions: Cloud cover and poor weather conditions, such as rain or fog, can obstruct our view of the stars.

3. Light scattering: When light from the stars interacts with particles in the atmosphere, it scatters in different directions. This scattering reduces the contrast between stars and the background sky, making dim stars harder to see.

4. Cosmic dust: Interstellar dust in our Milky Way galaxy can block and obscure the light from distant stars, limiting our visibility.

5. Stellar distance: Stars that are located very far away from Earth appear fainter due to the inverse square law of light. The intensity of light decreases with the square of the distance from the source, making it harder to see these distant stars.

6. Viewing angle: The position of the observer on Earth determines the range of stars that are visible. Features like mountains, buildings, and trees can obstruct the view of the sky, limiting the number of stars we can see.

7. Time of day and season: The rotation of the Earth and its position around the Sun affect the visibility of stars. During daylight hours, the bright sky makes it challenging to see stars. Additionally, certain constellations are only visible during specific seasons.

These factors, combined with the ones you mentioned, contribute to the limit of being able to observe only a small fraction of the enormous number of stars in the universe.