
The total sales made by a salesperson were $25,000 after 3, months and $68000 after 23 months. Predict the total sales after 42 months.
68000=23 months
x=42 months

how do I do this?

Plot coordinate points on an x y grid and/or use a graphing calculator. The months are your x's and the dollars in sales are your y's.

ok once I have the plots do I use the formula

and then what?

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of a linear equation. We can assume that the sales made by the salesperson increase at a constant rate every month.

First, let's find the rate of increase per month. Subtract the sales made after 3 months from the sales made after 23 months:

$68000 - $25000 = $43000

To find the rate per month, divide the amount by the number of months:

$43000 / (23 - 3) = $2150

Now that we know the rate of increase per month, we can predict the total sales after 42 months by multiplying the rate by 42 and adding it to the sales made after 3 months:

$2150 * (42 - 3) + $25000 = $89050

Therefore, the predicted total sales after 42 months is $89050.

To summarize the steps:

1. Find the rate of increase per month: $43000 / (23 - 3) = $2150
2. Predict the total sales after 42 months: $2150 * (42 - 3) + $25000 = $89050.