

Deal with inequalities just like equations, except that you reverse the carats when multiplying or dividing by a negative number.

Is there a typo in the first inequality?

5-(3) < 10(-3)

2 < -30 (That certainly is not true. Think of it in terms of money. Having $2 is not less than owing $30.)

3 < 2x+1 < 9

Subtract 1 from each part.

2 < 2x < 8

Divide each part by 2.

1 < x < 4

Use these principles in the remaining problems.

To solve each of these equations, we need to isolate the variable in the middle of the inequality. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. 5 - 3 < 10(-3)
Start by simplifying each side of the inequality:
2 < -30
Since 2 is not less than -30, this inequality is false. There is no solution.

2. 3 < 2x + 1 < 9
First, subtract 1 from each part of the inequality:
2 < 2x < 8
Then, divide each part by 2:
1 < x < 4
The solution to this inequality is all values of x between 1 and 4.

3. 13 < 3x + 5 < 29
Start by subtracting 5 from each part:
8 < 3x < 24
Divide each part by 3:
8/3 < x < 24/3
8/3 < x < 8
The solution to this inequality is all values of x between 8/3 and 8.

4. 12 < -4y + 8 < 16
Begin by subtracting 8 from each part:
4 < -4y < 8
Divide each part by -4. When we divide by a negative number, we must flip the inequality signs:
-1 > y > -2
The solution to this inequality is all values of y between -2 and -1.

5. 5 > x + 2 > -7
Start by subtracting 2 from each part:
3 > x > -9
The solution to this inequality is all values of x between -9 and 3.

6. 5 < 2 - x < 7
Begin by subtracting 2 from each part:
3 < -x < 5
Multiply each part by -1. Remember to flip the inequality signs:
-3 > x > -5
The solution to this inequality is all values of x between -5 and -3.

I hope this helps you solve your equations! Let me know if you have any further questions.