i need to come up with a symbol for the them of "When you put effort into reaching your goals, you can succeed." but i cant think of any! pleas help! its due 2morrow!

What might be your reward for reaching a goal? That would be a good symbol.

How about an Olympic medal? Or a report card with straight A's?

A blue ribbon, a star, a trip to the your favorite restaurant, a hug!

what is a concept paper?

Coming up with a symbol for a theme can be a creative process. Let's break it down step-by-step to help you come up with a symbol for the theme "When you put effort into reaching your goals, you can succeed."

1. Understand the theme: Take a moment to reflect on the theme and what it means to you. Think about the elements involved, such as effort, goals, and success. This will help you visualize the concept.

2. Brainstorm related symbols: Start brainstorming symbols that represent different aspects of the theme. Consider symbols that relate to striving, growth, determination, achieving, or overcoming obstacles. Write down as many ideas as you can think of, without filtering them at this stage.

3. Research and gather inspiration: Look for inspiration by researching symbols, icons, and imagery related to success, effort, and goals. Browse through websites, books, or even look for real-life examples. Note down any ideas or concepts that resonate with you.

4. Combine and refine your ideas: Review your brainstormed list and the inspiration you gathered. Look for recurring themes, connections, or common elements among the symbols. Consider how you can combine different symbols or simplify them to create a unique representation of your theme.

5. Sketch and visualize: Start sketching your ideas on paper or using digital tools. Don't worry if you're not an artist; focus on capturing the essence of each symbol and experimenting with different compositions. Consider colors, shapes, and lines that convey the message you want to express.

6. Evaluate and iterate: Review your sketches and identify which ones best embody the theme and resonate with you. Seek feedback from friends, family, or classmates to gain different perspectives. Make any necessary adjustments or improvements to your symbol based on the feedback.

7. Finalize your symbol: After considering the feedback and making any refinements, select the symbol that best reflects the theme and resonates with you. Create a polished version of the symbol using your preferred medium, whether that's digital software, pen and paper, or any other artistic method.

Remember, the most important aspect is that the symbol connects with the theme and conveys its message effectively. Give yourself enough time to go through each step, and don't be afraid to explore different ideas. Good luck with your symbol creation, and I'm confident you'll come up with a great representation of your theme!