how much heat does it take to convert 20g of water to steam at 100c?

idk lol

heat= mass*Latent heat of vaporization


To determine the amount of heat required to convert a substance from a lower temperature to a higher temperature, you need to use the specific heat and the heat of vaporization of the substance.

In the case of water, let's break down the steps to reach the answer:

1. Heating the water from its initial temperature to its boiling point (100°C):
The specific heat capacity of water is about 4.184 J/g°C. Therefore, to raise the temperature of 20g of water from, let's say, 25°C to 100°C, you would use the formula:
Heat = Mass × Specific heat capacity × Temperature change
In this case: Heat = 20g × 4.184 J/g°C × (100°C - 25°C)

2. Converting the water to steam at 100°C:
The heat of vaporization (also known as latent heat) of water is approximately 2260 J/g at standard atmospheric pressure. This means that to convert each gram of water at its boiling point to steam, it requires 2260 J of heat.
To calculate the heat required to convert 20g of water to steam at 100°C, you would multiply the mass by the heat of vaporization:
Heat = Mass × Latent heat
In this case: Heat = 20g × 2260 J/g

So, to find the total heat required to convert 20g of water to steam at 100°C, you would sum up the heat required for each step:
Total Heat = Heat to raise temperature + Heat to convert to steam
Total Heat = (20g × 4.184 J/g°C × (100°C - 25°C)) + (20g × 2260 J/g)

Now, you can calculate the values using a calculator to find the answer.