Hello, would anyone be willing to check my answers to the following questions?

1. Identify the poetic element used in the following lines from Percy Bysshe Shelley's poem "Ode to the West Wind." The phrase "Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams/The blue Mediterranean, where he lay" has an example of (A) alliteration (B) parallelism (C) internal rhyme (D) personification

2. Identify the device used in the following line from Anna Letitia Barbauld's poem "The Mouse's Petition to Dr. Priestly." The phrase "O hear a pensive prisoner's prayer" has an example of (A) an allusion (B) parallelism (C) alliteration (D) internal rhyme

3. Identify the poetic element used in the following line from John Keats's "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer." The phrase "That deep-brow'd Homer ..." has an example of (A) personification (B) an allusion (C) repetition (D) anaphora

My answers to the above questions are

1. D
2. D
3. B

Thanks in advance.

I agree with your answers for 1 and 3.

2 is incorrect.

yeah 1 & 3 are correct. 2 is alliteration whitch means you repeat a letter in words close together

like-pretty palace painting

To check your answers to the given questions, we need to analyze each question carefully. Here are the correct answers for each question:

1. The correct answer is (D) personification. In the given line, the phrase "Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams/The blue Mediterranean, where he lay" personifies the West Wind by suggesting that it is able to awaken the Mediterranean Sea from its "summer dreams."

2. The correct answer is (C) alliteration. In the line "O hear a pensive prisoner's prayer," the repeated sound of the letter 'p' in "pensive prisoner's prayer" demonstrates alliteration.

3. The correct answer is (B) an allusion. The phrase "That deep-brow'd Homer" is an allusion to the famous Greek poet Homer, using descriptive language to introduce and refer to him.

Therefore, the corrected answers are:

1. (D) personification
2. (C) alliteration
3. (B) an allusion

Hope this helps!

i got 1/5 because of u!
