What did the electrician say after fixing a light bulb at the top of the empire state bulding

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It was the high light of his career

this thing keeps going faster and faster, up and down, and over and around. It tickles my tummy. The girls behind me are screaming. I hope I don't go flying out of my seat! Where am I?

Follow the Red Sea look up the star of Leo when Leo look down to earth the moon reflection on the water look down this when you see.

To find out what the electrician said after fixing a light bulb at the top of the Empire State Building, we can consider the context and imagine possible scenarios. As an AI, I don't have access to that specific information, but I can provide you with a potential humorous response.

One possible thing the electrician might have said after fixing the light bulb at the top of the Empire State Building is, "Well, that's one bright idea!" This statement plays on the double meaning of "bright" relating both to the light bulb being fixed and the idiomatic expression meaning a good idea or intelligent decision.

However, please note that this is a lighthearted and fictional response, as we don't have actual information on what the electrician may have said in that situation.