What can we conclude from the attractive nature of the force between a positively charged rod and an object?

1. Cannot be determined.
2. The object is an insulator.
3. The object is a conductor.

1. The other object must be negatively charged, but it could be either conductor or insulator

From the attractive nature of the force between a positively charged rod and an object, we can conclude that the object is a conductor.

To determine what can be concluded from the attractive nature of the force between a positively charged rod and an object, we need to understand the behavior of charges in different materials and their interactions.

When a positively charged rod attracts an object, it suggests that the object has acquired a negative charge. This behavior can be explained by the principle of electrostatics, which states that opposite charges attract each other.

Now, let's consider the given options:

1. Cannot be determined: This option implies that we do not have enough information to make any conclusions about the nature of the object. However, based on the attractive nature of the force, we can infer some information.

2. The object is an insulator: Insulators are materials that do not allow the free flow of electrons. When a positively charged rod is brought close to an insulator, the electrons in the insulator are not able to move freely but can become polarized and redistribute within the material. This redistribution of electrons leads to an attractive force between the rod and the object.

3. The object is a conductor: Conductors, unlike insulators, allow electrons to move freely within the material. When a positively charged rod is brought close to a conductor, electrons in the conductor can move easily. Due to the attractive force of the positively charged rod, some of the electrons in the conductor are attracted towards the rod, resulting in an attractive force between the rod and the object.

Based on the above explanation, we can conclude that option 2, "The object is an insulator," is the most likely answer.