Need help with these--

25. Bacteria and eukaryotes share the characteristic of
a. multicellularity
b. a cell nucleus
c. a cell membrane
d. all of the above

26. Two ways that bacteria causes disease are
a. toxins are released that break down and absorb host organic nutrients enzymes or enzymes are excreted that poison the host
b. enzymes are released that break down and absorb host organic nutrients or toxins are excreted that poison the host
c. enzymes are released that break down and absorb inorganic nutrients or toxins are excreted that poison the host
d. through the lytic and lysogenic cycles

27. HIV is spread through the body
a. after it replicates and leaves the macrophage by rupturing it
b. by taking it over the host macrophage’s DNA and directing it to attack other cells.
c. by budding from the macrophage and enveloping itself with the host’s cell membrane
d. by attaching the lymphocyte’s CCR5 receptors to itself which fools other lymphocytes.

29. Which kingdom of eukaryotes exhibits the broadest range of characteristics?
a. Animalia
b. Protista
c. Plantae
d. Eubacteria


Sure! I can help you with these questions. Here are the explanations and how to get to the answers:

25. Bacteria and eukaryotes share the characteristic of:
To answer this question, you need to know the characteristics that bacteria and eukaryotes have in common. Option b states that they both have a cell nucleus, option c states that they both have a cell membrane, and option a states that they both exhibit multicellularity. The correct answer is option d, "all of the above," as bacteria and eukaryotes share all three characteristics mentioned.

26. Two ways that bacteria causes disease are:
To answer this question, you need to understand how bacteria causes disease. Option a states that toxins are released or enzymes are excreted that break down and absorb host organic nutrients, while option b states that enzymes are released or toxins are excreted that poison the host. Option c states that enzymes break down and absorb inorganic nutrients or toxins poison the host, and option d mentions the lytic and lysogenic cycles, which are viral infection cycles and not related to bacteria. The correct answer is option b as it correctly mentions the two ways by which bacteria cause disease.

27. HIV is spread through the body:
To answer this question, you need to know how HIV spreads. Option a states that HIV replicates and leaves the macrophage by rupturing it, while option b states that it takes over the host macrophage's DNA and directs it to attack other cells. Option c states that HIV buds from the macrophage and envelops itself with the host's cell membrane, and option d mentions attaching to lymphocyte's CCR5 receptors. The correct answer is option c as it accurately describes the method of HIV spreading through the body.

29. Which kingdom of eukaryotes exhibits the broadest range of characteristics?
To answer this question, you need to know the characteristics of different eukaryotic kingdoms. Option a states Animalia, option b states Protista, option c states Plantae, and option d states Eubacteria, which is actually a prokaryotic category and not a eukaryotic kingdom. The correct answer is option b, Protista, as it encompasses a diverse range of organisms with various characteristics.

So, for question 25, the answer is d; for question 26, the answer is b; for question 27, the answer is c; and for question 29, the answer is b.