How do lost pet/pet ads predict earthquakes, procedure to do the project ?

There are more lost pets after earthquakes, and the fourth of July, but I would be hard to convince that the number of runaway of lost pets is correlated with earthquakes and useful for predictions of future earthquakes.

The theory that you are investigating has been advanced before and subjected to statisical review, using the lost-and-found ads for pets in the San Francisco Bay area. The study is summparized at

You can find another "science fair" investigation of this theory at

You find the method and results interesting, and easy to follow.

To clarify, lost pet ads themselves cannot predict earthquakes. However, there have been reports of some pet owners claiming that their pets behaved strangely or became anxious before an earthquake occurred. This is attributed to animals having more acute senses and detecting subtle changes in their surroundings, such as shifts in electromagnetic fields or changes in air pressure, which may precede an earthquake.

If you are interested in conducting a project on this topic, here is a general procedure you can follow:

1. Research: Start by learning about animal behavior, earthquakes, and any existing studies or theories related to animals sensing earthquakes. This will help you understand the topic and develop your project hypothesis.

2. Formulate a hypothesis: Identify the specific aspect you want to investigate, such as determining if there is a correlation between lost pet ads and earthquake occurrences in a particular area. Based on your research, develop a hypothesis that states your expected outcome.

3. Data collection: Gather data on both lost pet ads and earthquake occurrences in the area you are studying. You can search online databases or contact local authorities or animal shelters to collect lost pet data, and you can use earthquake databases, scientific institutions, or online resources to obtain earthquake data.

4. Analyze the data: Organize and analyze the collected data by comparing the frequency and timing of lost pet ads with recorded earthquake events. Statistical methods, such as correlation analysis, can help determine if there is any relationship between the two.

5. Interpretation and conclusion: Evaluate the results of your analysis and draw meaningful conclusions based on your findings. Consider factors that could impact the relationship between lost pet ads and earthquakes, such as other possible causes for increased lost pet reports.

6. Report your findings: Summarize your research, methodology, results, and conclusions in a clear report or presentation. Present your work in a logical and objective manner, including any limitations or uncertainties in your findings.

Remember, it is important to approach this project with scientific skepticism and understand that empirical evidence supporting the connection between lost pet ads and earthquake prediction is limited.