Can you give me some examples of how she paid her past karma (basically how she learned from it) I need at least 4. Please help!!

In addition you are supposed to give the causes and effects for each. If you can give me a site in would really help

This article explains karma.

You can use this as a guide and correlate it with what you've learned about Marian Anderson.

To find examples of how someone paid their past karma or learned from their actions, it is helpful to consider different aspects of their life and behavior. Here are four examples that can demonstrate someone learning from past mistakes and taking actions to make amends:

1. Personal growth and self-reflection: One way someone might pay their past karma is by engaging in self-reflection and personal growth. For instance, they may realize that their past actions were harmful or hurtful, leading them to actively work on improving themselves and their behavior. This could involve therapy, self-help books, meditation, or other methods of introspection.

2. Making amends and apologizing: When someone realizes they have caused harm, a crucial step can be owning up to their mistakes and apologizing to those they have wronged. This can involve sincere apologies, admitting their faults, and taking responsibility for their actions. Additionally, they can make efforts to repair any damage caused, whether it is emotional, financial, or otherwise.

3. Changing behavior and adopting new values: To truly pay their past karma, someone might need to make a conscious effort to change their behavior and adopt new values. This could involve identifying the root causes of their past mistakes and actively working to address and amend them. For example, if they were dishonest, they might commit to always being truthful and building trust, or if they were prone to anger, they might learn anger management techniques and practice patience.

4. Acts of kindness and helping others: Another way to pay past karma is by engaging in acts of kindness and helping others. This can take various forms, such as volunteering, donating to charitable causes, or simply being more compassionate and understanding towards others. By actively seeking opportunities to make a positive impact, someone can demonstrate their growth and contribute to the greater good.

Please note that these examples are hypothetical and can vary depending on the individual and their circumstances.