Show that Euler's formula holds for a right pentagonal prism.

His formula for polyhedra is

Vertices - Edges + Faces = 2

Sketch two congruent pentagons, one above the other.
Join corresponding vertices, perhaps with dotted lines for the lines that are hidden.
You should have a nice drawing of your solid.

Number of vertices = 10
number of edges = 15
number of faces = 7

is 10 - 15 + 7 = 2 ??


Thank you!

To show that Euler's formula holds for a right pentagonal prism, we need to verify that the number of vertices (V), edges (E), and faces (F) of the prism satisfy the equation V - E + F = 2. Here's how we can do it step-by-step:

Step 1: Count the number of vertices (V):
A right pentagonal prism has two pentagonal bases and five rectangular faces connecting the corresponding sides of the bases. Each pentagonal base has five vertices, and there are two such bases. Therefore, the total number of vertices is V = 2 * 5 = 10.

Step 2: Count the number of edges (E):
Each pentagonal base has five edges, and the five rectangular faces have five edges each. Since there are two pentagonal bases and five rectangular faces, the total number of edges is E = 2 * 5 + 5 * 5 = 30.

Step 3: Count the number of faces (F):
A right pentagonal prism has two pentagonal bases and five rectangular faces. Therefore, the total number of faces is F = 2 + 5 = 7.

Step 4: Apply Euler's formula:
Plug the values of V, E, and F into the formula V - E + F = 2:
10 - 30 + 7 = 2.

Hence, Euler's formula holds for a right pentagonal prism.