Hey I am doing a Process Analysis assignment. I chose "How a magician saws a woman in half"

I need some help in finding information for this topic as it relates to the stages and steps taken in doing this magic. Also i will like to find some visual of how the magic is done. Does anybody know any good references or sites where i can get these information. I need good solid information.

Many good sites here:


For your Process Analysis assignment on how a magician saws a woman in half, there are several steps you can take to find good solid information. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Start with academic sources: Check your university library's online database for scholarly articles related to magic tricks, illusions, or the history of stage magic. Try searching keywords like "sawing a woman in half illusion" or "magic stage illusions." This will help you find well-researched and credible sources.

2. Books on magic techniques: Look for books written by professional magicians or illusionists. Such books often provide detailed explanations of stage illusions, including the "sawing a woman in half" trick. Some recommended titles are "The Expert at the Card Table" by S.W. Erdnase and "Magic and Showmanship: A Handbook for Conjurers" by Henning Nelms.

3. Online magic forums and communities: Join magic-related forums or communities where professional and amateur magicians share their knowledge and experiences. These platforms provide opportunities to connect with magicians who can offer insights into the process behind illusions like sawing a woman in half. Two popular online platforms are the Magic Café and Theory11.

4. YouTube and other video platforms: Search for instructional videos or documentaries that reveal the secrets behind the sawing a woman in half illusion. Magicians like Penn and Teller have performed this trick and have shared some insights on their shows. Look for credible channels or videos where renowned magicians explain the mechanics and stages involved in this trick.

5. Attend magic conventions or workshops: Look for any magic conventions or workshops happening near your location. These events often provide opportunities to learn from professional magicians who may cover the topic of "sawing a woman in half" in their presentations or workshops. Learning from experts in person can give you a comprehensive understanding of the process.

Remember to critically evaluate the credibility of the sources you find. Consider the qualifications and expertise of the authors, the trustworthiness of the platforms, and any supporting evidence provided.

As for visuals, YouTube and video platforms will likely be your best bet for finding videos of the "sawing a woman in half" illusion being performed. Additionally, some magic books may include diagrams or illustrations to explain the illusion in detail.

By following these steps, you should be able to find reliable information and visuals to analyze the process of how a magician saws a woman in half.