Please help me on these questions:

3. The soil of much of the steppe region of Northern Eurasia is
a. very fertile and productive.
b. lacking in minerals and unproductive
c. too cold to produce much food
d. heavily fertilized with chemicals to make it marginally productive

I'm pretty sure it's not B or C. I'm stuck between the other two.

6. Which of the following is NOT a challenge that Russia must overcome in developing its resources?
a. extracting resources from remote and rugged locations
b. preserving the fragile natural environment
c. eliminating trade barriers between Soviet republics
d. building means to transport resources to industrial centers

I'm not sure if it's B or C

7. Why was it difficult to obtain such goods as clothing and food in the Soviet Union under Stalin?
a. The state wanted to keep the standard of living low
b. The resources to make such goods were not available
c. Because of higher salaries, most soviets preferred to work in industry
d. Stalin's policies made production of consumer goods a low priority


8. What is the greatest source of conflict between Armenia dn Azerbaijan?
a. conflicting nationalistic feelings
b. uneven distribution of oil resrves
c. different levels of industrialization
d. offshore fishing rights

it's not b or c. I think it's A

10. Which of the following would be the most important factor in evaluating the accuracty of a report on Russia's economy?
a. the nationality of the author
b. the ocnlcusions the author reached about the economy
c. the evidence the author used to support the conclusions
d. the inclusion of historical comparisons with the economies of other countires

I don't even get this quetsion


6. If you read the question carefully, noting "developing," the answer should be clear.


9. is a poorly worded question. All of the choices could be correct, depending on the author and the situation. Check your book again.

#10 could be c or d, with c somewhat preferred. A report on a country should not be judged by its conclusions (b) or its author's nationality (a).

ok, thanks

3. To determine the correct answer, we can use the process of elimination and reasoning.

b. Lacking in minerals and unproductive: This option can be eliminated because the question mentions that the soil of the steppe region is "very fertile and productive."

c. Too cold to produce much food: This option can also be eliminated since the steppe region is known for its agricultural productivity.

Now we are left with two options:

a. Very fertile and productive: This option suggests that the soil of the steppe region is highly fertile and productive, which aligns with its reputation as a major agricultural region.

d. Heavily fertilized with chemicals to make it marginally productive: This option implies that the soil is made productive by heavy chemical fertilization. However, there is no information given in the question to suggest that the soil is only marginally productive or that it requires chemical fertilization.

Therefore, the correct answer is a. Very fertile and productive.

6. To determine the answer, let's analyze the options:

a. Extracting resources from remote and rugged locations: This is a known challenge for Russia due to its vast and expansive territory.

b. Preserving the fragile natural environment: This option suggests that preserving the environment is a challenge for Russia in resource development.

c. Eliminating trade barriers between Soviet republics: This option may not be a significant challenge anymore since the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991.

d. Building means to transport resources to industrial centers: This is another known challenge, as Russia's major industrial centers and resource-rich regions are often located far apart.

Based on the above analysis:

Options a, b, and d seem plausible challenges for Russia in developing its resources, leaving option c as the odd one out.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. Eliminating trade barriers between Soviet republics.

7. To determine the answer, let's analyze the options:

a. The state wanted to keep the standard of living low: This option suggests that the state intentionally kept the standard of living low, which may or may not be true but is not directly related to the difficulty in obtaining goods like clothing and food.

b. The resources to make such goods were not available: This option suggests a lack of resources as a reason for the difficulty in obtaining goods.

c. Because of higher salaries, most Soviets preferred to work in industry: This option suggests that higher salaries attracted people to work in industries instead of producing consumer goods.

d. Stalin's policies made production of consumer goods a low priority: This option suggests that Stalin prioritized the production of goods for industry rather than consumer goods.

Based on the analysis:

Options b, c, and d provide plausible reasons for the difficulty in obtaining goods, while option a seems less directly related.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. Stalin's policies made production of consumer goods a low priority.

8. To determine the answer, let's analyze the options:

a. Conflicting nationalistic feelings: This option suggests that conflicting nationalistic feelings between Armenia and Azerbaijan are the greatest source of conflict.

b. Uneven distribution of oil reserves: This option suggests that the uneven distribution of oil reserves is the greatest source of conflict.

c. Different levels of industrialization: This option suggests that different levels of industrialization contribute to the conflict.

d. Offshore fishing rights: This option suggests that disputes over offshore fishing rights are the main source of conflict.

Options b and c can be eliminated because the question specifically asks for the "greatest" source of conflict.

Option d can also be eliminated as it is not typically regarded as the main source of conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Therefore, the correct answer is a. Conflicting nationalistic feelings.

10. This question asks us to evaluate the factors important in assessing the accuracy of a report on Russia's economy. Let's analyze the options:

a. The nationality of the author: The nationality of the author should not be a determining factor in evaluating the accuracy of the report.

b. The conclusions the author reached about the economy: This option suggests that the conclusions drawn by the author are the main factor in evaluating accuracy.

c. The evidence the author used to support the conclusions: This option suggests that the evidence provided by the author is crucial in assessing accuracy.

d. The inclusion of historical comparisons with the economies of other countries: This option suggests that historical comparisons are important for accuracy evaluation.

Out of these options, option b seems subjective, as it depends on the individual author's analysis, while options c and d focus on objective elements like evidence and comparative analysis.

Therefore, the most important factor in evaluating accuracy would be c. The evidence the author used to support the conclusions.