
I think it is 20.33x10^1

Only if the last exponent (in the first line) is -4. Did you leave something out?

It seems you did not add exponents correctly.

5 + 4 does not equal 1.

To multiply scientific notation numbers, you need to multiply the coefficients (the numbers in front of the powers of 10) and add the exponents.

Let's calculate it step by step:


Step 1: Multiply the coefficients:
1.6 x 12.7 = 20.32

Step 2: Add the exponents:
10^5 x 10^4 = 10^(5 + 4) = 10^9

Therefore, the final answer is:
20.32 x 10^9

To multiply two numbers written in scientific notation, you need to multiply the coefficients (the numbers in front) and add the exponents.

Let's calculate the multiplication step by step:

First, multiply the coefficients: 1.6 x 12.7 = 20.32

Next, add the exponents: 5 + 4 = 9

Finally, express the result in scientific notation: 20.32 x 10^9

So, the result of (1.6x10^5)(12.7x10^4) is 20.32x10^9, not 20.33x10^1.