I need to find an online version of the Canterbury Tales to read the Prologue. I tried three sites but they do not work or I don't understand them. Does anyone know any other websites to find the Canterbury Tales ?

Project Gutenberg (Google it) has free plain text e-books. Search for 'canterbury' in the sidebar. They seem to have it there.

Here is the link to where you can download the Tales.



Use the LEFT column of this website to navigate -- find the side-by-side versions so you can see the original in Chaucer's English AND in today's English.


Sure! Finding an online version of the Canterbury Tales shouldn't be too difficult. One of the most reliable resources for accessing classic literary works is Project Gutenberg. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find and read the Prologue of the Canterbury Tales on Project Gutenberg:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Project Gutenberg website. The URL is www.gutenberg.org.
2. Once you're on the Project Gutenberg homepage, you'll see a search bar at the top of the page. Type in "Canterbury Tales" and press Enter or click the search icon.
3. Project Gutenberg will display a list of search results related to the Canterbury Tales. Look for the title "The Canterbury Tales and Other Poems" by Geoffrey Chaucer and click on it.
4. On the book's page, you'll find various formats available for download. Look for the HTML format, as it will allow you to read the Prologue directly in your web browser.
5. Click on the HTML format link to access the online version of the Canterbury Tales.
6. The Prologue should appear on the web page. You can scroll down to read it, or use the navigational links provided to jump to specific sections or tales within the book.

By following these steps, you should be able to find and read the Prologue of the Canterbury Tales for free on Project Gutenberg.