in one paragraph, supported by evidence in your text and from other research, describe two forces that you believe shape the relationship between business and society.

Provide two examples (one for each force you choose). Look for flaws and strengths in specific examples and applications.

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in one paragraph, supported by evidence in your text and from other research, describe two forces that you believe shape the relationship between business and society.

Provide two examples (one for each force you choose). Look for flaws and strengths in specific examples and applications

internal and external

describe two forces that you believe shape the relationship between business and society. Provide two examples (one for each force you choose). Look for flaws and strengths in specific examples and applications

Two forces that shape the relationship between business and society are economic factors and ethical considerations. Firstly, economic factors play a significant role in this relationship as businesses aim to maximize profit and satisfy consumer demands. For example, the force of economic competition prompts businesses to adopt strategies that increase efficiency and lower prices, benefitting society by offering more affordable products. However, this force can also lead to negative consequences, such as unethical labor practices or environmental degradation, when businesses prioritize financial gains over social and environmental concerns. Secondly, ethical considerations influence the relationship between business and society. For instance, ethical concerns about animal welfare have driven companies in the food industry to adopt more sustainable and humane practices. Nevertheless, there may be instances where businesses engage in greenwashing or fail to prioritize ethical considerations, thus undermining their relationships with society. Overall, while economic factors and ethical considerations have strengths that drive positive change, there are also flaws that need careful attention to ensure a balanced and beneficial relationship between business and society.