Could someone help me please? Does anyone know how a human service agency determines goals and objectives? I'd appreciate it. Than-x Jenn

Many take the goals and objectives of other human service agencies. Several administrators study these and add and subtract specific parts to conform with their particular objectives.

Thanks a lot.I can build on that. I'm not quite as Clueless :)

Hello Jenn! I'd be happy to help. Determining goals and objectives in a human service agency typically involves a systematic process that takes into account various factors and stakeholders. Here's a general overview of how a human service agency may determine goals and objectives:

1. Needs Assessment: The agency conducts a thorough needs assessment to identify the needs and challenges of the population they serve. This may include interviews, surveys, data analysis, and consultations with relevant stakeholders.

2. Mission and Vision: The agency reviews its mission and vision statements, which outline its overall purpose, values, and long-term aspirations. Goals and objectives should align with these statements.

3. Stakeholder Engagement: The agency engages with a diverse range of stakeholders, including clients, staff, board members, community partners, and funders. Their input helps shape the goals and objectives to ensure they address the various perspectives and priorities.

4. SMART Framework: Goals and objectives should be set using the SMART framework, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This ensures that they are clear, quantifiable, attainable, aligned with the agency's mission, and have specific deadlines.

5. Prioritization: The agency may need to prioritize goals based on factors such as urgency, available resources, feasibility, and potential impact. This may involve assessing the agency's capacity, funding constraints, and the needs of the community.

6. Strategic Planning: The agency develops a strategic plan that outlines the specific goals, objectives, and strategies to be pursued over a specific time frame, often 3-5 years. This plan includes specific actions, responsibilities, timelines, and evaluation measures.

7. Evaluation and Review: Throughout the implementation of goals and objectives, the agency regularly evaluates progress and makes adjustments if needed. This involves monitoring outcomes, collecting data, and seeking feedback from stakeholders to ensure effectiveness and relevance.

It's important to note that the specific process may vary depending on the nature and scope of the human service agency. Consulting agency policies, mission statements, and strategic plans can provide more detailed information on how goals and objectives are determined within a particular organization.