I need to come up with an short story using the following words:

1. August (adj) majestic; eminent
2. Thwarted (v) to prevent
3. Pallid (adj) pale, lacking color
4. Tableau (noun) [ta-bloh, tab-loh] a picturesque grouping of persons or objects; a striking scene.
5. Diffident (adj) shy
6. Vindicated (v) to clear, as from accusation or suspicion
7. Macabre (adj) [muh-kah-bruh, -kahb, -kah-ber] gruesome, horrifying
8. Pauper (noun) a very poor person
9. Haughty (adj) snobbish, scornfully arrogant
10. Virulent (adj) intensely bitter, spiteful; poisonous, deadly

Please Help

What do YOU want to write about? Maybe a scary, spooky story with a macabre villain?


Good! Enjoy writing your scary story! We'll be glad to read it when you've finished. :-)

Once upon a time, in the majestic month of August, there lived a diffident pauper named Ezra. His pallid complexion and timid demeanor set him apart from the haughty and vindicated townsfolk. Despite his unfortunate circumstances, Ezra possessed an extraordinary talent for creating macabre tableaus using recycled materials found in the streets.

Ezra's artistic creations thwarted the expectations of the townspeople, who thought little of the pauper's abilities. His sculptures were not only visually striking but also held a deeper meaning and reflection of the human condition. Each piece told a story of struggle, pain, and resilience.

One day, a renowned art critic visited the town and stumbled upon Ezra's hidden talent. Astounded by the virulent emotions depicted in his work, the critic decided to organize an exhibition, showcasing the pauper's masterpieces to the world.

The exhibition became a sensation, drawing crowds from far and wide. People marveled at the macabre beauty of Ezra's tableaus, recognizing the talent that had been hidden beneath his diffident exterior. Overnight, the once-poor pauper became an eminent figure in the art world.

Ezra's newfound success vindicated him from the years of neglect and disdain he had endured. His art not only brought him monetary gain but also allowed him to tell the stories of the marginalized, shedding light on their suffering and the need for empathy.

In the end, Ezra's story serves as a reminder that true talent and significance can often be found in the most unexpected of places, challenging societal perceptions and exposing the virulent and divisive nature of judgments based on socioeconomic status.