solve and graph:


a<9. Not sure about the graph


thax for the help

To solve the inequality 3a - 8 < 19, you need to isolate the variable a. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Add 8 to both sides of the inequality:
3a - 8 + 8 < 19 + 8
3a < 27

Step 2: Divide both sides of the inequality by 3:
(3a)/3 < 27/3
a < 9

The solution to the inequality is a < 9. This means that any value of a that is less than 9 will satisfy the inequality.

To graph this inequality, you will plot a number line and shade the region to the left of 9, since we have a < 9:

-∞ 9 +∞

The open circle at 9 indicates that 9 is not included in the solution, as we have a strict inequality. The shaded region to the left of 9 represents all the values of a that satisfy the inequality.