2. Which statement best explains the effect of resources on population size?

a. the exponential growth curve models the effects of limiting resources on population size
b. Limited resources decrease the growth rate of population size
c. Density-dependent factors invariably lead to a positive DN
d. all of the above

26. The relationship between population growth and resources can be described as
a. inverse; as one goes up the other goes down
b. parallel; when one goes up so does the other
c. complex; there are many contributing factors
d. equal; they both level off in any population

11. Solar energy can be trapped in the atmosphere by
a. the chemical bonds of carbon dioxide
b. the chemical bonds of ozone
c. radiation
d. sunlight
Not sure...?


2. To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

a. The exponential growth curve models the effects of limiting resources on population size: This statement suggests that limited resources have an impact on population size by following an exponential growth curve. While this is true to some extent, it does not fully explain the effect of resources on population size.

b. Limited resources decrease the growth rate of population size: This statement suggests that limited resources have a negative effect on the growth rate of population size. This is commonly observed in nature where limited resources can lead to competition for survival, which can slow down population growth.

c. Density-dependent factors invariably lead to a positive DN: This statement is not clear and does not explain the effect of resources on population size. The term "positive DN" is not defined, so it is not a valid explanation.

d. All of the above: This option seems to include both correct and incorrect statements. Option b is correct, but options a and c are not fully valid explanations.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer would be b. Limited resources decrease the growth rate of population size.

26. The relationship between population growth and resources can be complex, involving various contributing factors. While it is true that limited resources may lead to a decrease in population growth, this is not the only possible scenario. The relationship between population growth and resources can vary depending on numerous factors such as availability, distribution, and quality of resources, as well as environmental conditions, predation, and competition. Therefore, the correct answer would be c. The relationship is complex, involving many contributing factors.

11. Solar energy can be trapped in the atmosphere by several mechanisms, including the chemical bonds of carbon dioxide (a), the chemical bonds of ozone (b), and radiation (c). These options describe different processes that involve the trapping of solar energy in the atmosphere. However, sunlight (d) itself refers to one form of radiation from the Sun, so it is not as specific as the other options. Therefore, the most accurate answer would be a, b, and c, as all three options represent ways in which solar energy can be trapped in the atmosphere.