teach this problem


i keep getting -3.92 and i know that its incorrect

order of operations:

(1)DO operations inside parentheses
(2)Distribute powers
(3)Multiply and Divide left to right
(4)Add and Subtract left to right

do operations inside parentheses first
then do multiplication left to right
then add
that's your answer!

-11.65 if the first part of the problem is simply: -2-1*(3.2) and not (-2-1)*(3.2)as I have shown above

mybad, its -2.1*3.2+4.3*(-1.5)

Sorry about that

then its -13.17

understand why?

i don't get how that works. can you please explain


(1)First perform any calculations inside parentheses.
(2)Next perform all multiplications and divisions, working from left to right.
(3)Lastly, perform all additions and subtractions, working from left to right.
first multiply terms left to right since you don't have any calculations within parentheses
-2.1*3.2+4.3*(-1.5)= -6.72 + -6.45
then add the two terms together
-6.72+ -6.45 = -13.17