What is the value of the 5 in 2.051?

5 Hundredths.

The 5 is in the hundredths place.


5 hundreths

5 hundredths place!

To find the value of the 5 in 2.051, we need to understand the place value system. In the decimal system, digits to the right of the decimal point represent fractions or parts of a whole number. The digit 5 is in the hundredth place, which means it represents 5 hundredths or 0.05.

To get the value of the digit 5, we can look at the place value chart:

| 2 | . | 0 | 5 | 1 |
| Ten | One | Tenth | Hundredth | Thousandth |

As we move from left to right, each place value is divided by 10. In this case, the digit 5 is in the hundredth place, which is 10 times smaller than the tenth place. Therefore, the value of the 5 in 2.051 is 5 * 0.01, which equals 0.05.