I find myself doing homework and i get it done (well sometimes) but i feel like i should be doing something else what can i do to keep concentrated on the homework?

1) Discuss it with your parents.

2) Avoid things that distract you.
3) reward yourself for getting the work done.
4) punish yourself when you fool around, even restrict yourself.

Put on some music that you like, but at low volume. Then do your homework.

Do work from your text book its helpful

eat fruit(seriously it helps)

keep away from the computer if you don't really need it(they are serious distractions)
don't do it all straight away do it over a few days you'll be able to concentrate more on harder questions
go out for a walk before so you have fresh air in your lungs(it clears your mind)

Staying focused on homework can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can try to improve your concentration. Here are some tips to help you stay focused:

1. Create a study space: Designate a quiet and organized area specifically for doing your homework. Make sure it is free from distractions and has good lighting.

2. Remove distractions: Keep your phone, social media notifications, and other tempting distractions out of reach or turned off while you work. Consider using website blockers or apps that limit your access to certain sites during study time.

3. Break it down: Large tasks can be overwhelming and make it harder to concentrate. Break your homework into smaller, manageable tasks. This way, you can focus on accomplishing one task at a time, which can increase your motivation and concentration.

4. Set time limits: Break your study time into intervals, such as 25 minutes of focused work followed by a short break of 5 minutes. This technique, called the Pomodoro Technique, can help improve concentration and prevent burnout.

5. Use timers or alarms: Set a timer for the duration of your study session. Knowing that you have a limited amount of time can help you stay focused and avoid procrastination.

6. Prioritize and plan: Create a to-do list or use a planner to prioritize your assignments and set realistic goals. Having a clear plan helps you stay organized and reduces the risk of feeling overwhelmed.

7. Find a study method that suits you: Experiment with different study techniques—such as summarizing, highlighting, or active recall—to find the one that works best for you. Engaging actively with the material can help improve concentration and understanding.

8. Take regular breaks: Allow yourself short breaks between study sessions to relax and recharge. Stretch, move around, or do something enjoyable during your breaks to avoid mental fatigue.

9. Stay motivated: Find ways to connect your homework to your long-term goals and interests. Remind yourself why completing the assignment is important and how it contributes to your overall learning.

10. Seek support: If you are consistently finding it difficult to concentrate on your homework, consider reaching out to teachers, parents, or classmates for support and guidance.

Remember, developing good concentration skills takes practice and consistency. Try incorporating some or all of these strategies into your study routine, and adjust them based on what works best for you.