this is a pair of antonyms with missing vowels


ugly beautiful

Ugly/ beautiful


haha, creative.. i love it

To identify the missing vowels and determine the antonyms, we can try rearranging the letters and inserting vowels in different positions to form words that have opposite meanings. Here are a few possibilities:

1. GLYTFLB: To unscramble these letters, we can rearrange them to form "F*G*LLYB*T," where the asterisks represent missing vowels. By inserting vowels, we get the word "F*G*LLYB*T," which could potentially be rearranged to "FORGOTTEN," meaning "remembered" and its antonym might be "FORGIVEN."

2. FYLTGLB: Rearranging these letters, we have "F*L*G*TL*B," and by inserting vowels, we can form "F*L*G*TL*B." The word "F*L*G*TL*B" can be rearranged to "FORGOTTLEN," which doesn't form a meaningful word. Therefore, we cannot determine antonyms from this arrangement of letters.

Note that with only the given letters and the information provided, there might be other possible words or antonyms that can be formed. However, without further context or clarification, it is difficult to provide a definitive answer.