Could someone please help with these questions?

How has history between 1865 and 1945 shaped our current society?
I know that history between 1865 and 1945 gave the people of America the ability to grow and become a more knowledgeable nation. I feel that it was also a time in history when the American people took a stand and united as a whole nation.
How might our society be different without the advance or changes of events that happened in history between 1865 and 1945?

During those years, the U.S. asserted its world dominance, helping win WWI and WWII.

During the 1800s, the U.S. expanded across the continent. It also extended its power and influence globally. Don't forget the influence of the airplane.

Might we be a racially segregated and isolationist nation if it weren't for the events in that hundred years?

To expand, we would most likely be isolated since US people did not wish to take part directly in foreign affairs.

Without the advancements and changes in events that occurred between 1865 and 1945, our society would likely be very different today. Here are some ways in which our society might be different:

1. Civil Rights Movement: The period between 1865 and 1945 witnessed significant advancements in the fight for civil rights for marginalized groups, particularly African Americans. Without these advancements, we might not have achieved the level of racial equality and justice that we have today. Civil rights activists and leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks played crucial roles in shaping our society by challenging discriminatory laws and advocating for equality.

2. Industrialization and Technological Advancements: This period saw significant advancements in industrialization and technology, which paved the way for the modern society we have today. The inventions of electricity, the telephone, the automobile, and other technological advancements transformed the way we live and work. Without these advancements, our society would not be as technologically advanced as it is today.

3. World Wars: The two world wars that occurred between 1914 and 1945 had a profound impact on our society. They shaped our political landscape, international relations, and ideas about war and peace. These conflicts led to the establishment of international organizations like the United Nations, and the development of new technologies and military strategies. The aftermath of these wars also led to the rise of superpowers and the Cold War, which shaped geopolitical tensions and global politics.

4. Women's Rights Movement: The period between 1865 and 1945 marked a significant shift in the women's rights movement. Women fought for suffrage, reproductive rights, and gender equality. The achievements of women during this time period laid the groundwork for the feminists’ movements in subsequent years, leading to increased economic and political opportunities for women.

Overall, the history between 1865 and 1945 shaped our current society by promoting civil rights, advancing technology, influencing geopolitics, and fighting for gender equality. Without these advancements and changes, our society would lack the progress and equal opportunities that we enjoy today.

The period between 1865 and 1945 was a critical time in history, encompassing significant events and developments that continue to shape our current society in various ways. Here's an explanation of how this era has influenced our society and how things might be different without these historical advancements:

1. Industrialization and Technological Advances: One major aspect of this era was the rapid industrial growth and technological advancements. The Second Industrial Revolution, which occurred during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, brought innovations such as the telegraph, telephone, electricity, and automobiles. These advancements revolutionized communication, transportation, and manufacturing, leading to a shift in society from agrarian to industrial and setting the stage for the modern technological era we now live in.

2. Economic Impact: The industrial growth and advancements in this period had a profound impact on the economy. It led to urbanization and the rise of cities, as people flocked to the industrial centers in search of employment opportunities. The emergence of large corporations and the growth of capitalism marked a transition from a predominantly agrarian society to one fueled by manufacturing and commerce. This economic shift laid the foundation for the modern capitalist system we see today.

3. Social Movements and Civil Rights: The period between 1865 and 1945 also saw significant social movements that have had lasting effects on our current society. The abolition of slavery in the United States, the women's suffrage movement, the civil rights movement, and labor movements all emerged during this era. These movements fought for equal rights, suffrage, better working conditions, and social justice. Without these events and changes, our society would likely be characterized by greater inequality and limited civil liberties for certain groups.

4. World Wars and Global Impact: Two major global conflicts, World War I and World War II, occurred within this time frame. These wars had far-reaching consequences on a global scale, altering political boundaries, reshaping international relations, and transforming the balance of power. The aftermath of these wars led to the establishment of new international organizations, such as the United Nations, and the promotion of human rights on a global scale. The experience of these wars shaped our understanding of the destructiveness of conflict and the importance of diplomacy and cooperation, which continue to influence our society today.

If the events between 1865 and 1945 had not unfolded as they did, our society would likely be significantly different. We may not have experienced the same level of technological progress, economic development, and social movements. The growth of cities, the rise of consumer culture, and the advancements in medicine and technology could have been delayed or not occurred at all. Furthermore, without the reforms and advancements in civil rights, we might live in a society marked by greater social inequality and discrimination. The absence of the lessons learned from the World Wars could have resulted in a different geopolitical landscape and international dynamics. Overall, the history between 1865 and 1945 plays a pivotal role in shaping the world we live in today.