I forgot to include the following sentences. I really hope you can help me.

7) The poet makes use/employs of musical devices such as repetition, assonance and alliteration (all singular??).
8) The wind, for examples, is treated like (as?) a human being, who taps at the poet’s door like a tired man. Both the poet and the wind share the idea of weakness, tiredness.
9)He uses a metaphor when he refers to human beings as “dingy shades”.
10)What is the poem about? What message does the poet want to convey/express?
11)Can you rephrase it?
12) Can you explain the meaning of the following words and give examples of their use? Can you provide synonyms for them?

7) Either "makes us of" or "employs" is fine. Yes, all singular.

8) "for example" is singular. No comma after "being". Add an "and between weakness and tirednass.

10) I have not seen the poem. That is for you to do.
11) Same comment
12) No. You have provided no "following words".

7) The correct usage in this sentence would be "The poet makes use of musical devices such as repetition, assonance, and alliteration." All three of these terms ("repetition," "assonance," and "alliteration") are singular.

To understand the meaning of these terms:
- Repetition refers to the act of repeating words, phrases, or lines for emphasis. For example, in the line "I have a dream," the repetition of the word "dream" emphasizes its importance.
- Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words. For instance, in the phrase "fleet feet sweep by sleeping streets," the "ee" sound is repeated.
- Alliteration is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in nearby words. An example would be "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers," where the "p" sound is repeated.

8) The correct phrasing for this sentence would be "For example, the wind is treated as a human being who taps at the poet's door like a tired man." In this sentence, we use "example" in its plural form since it precedes multiple examples.

The poet and the wind both convey the idea of weakness and tiredness. They share this common theme.

9) The poet uses a metaphor when he refers to human beings as "dingy shades." A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things to create a vivid image or idea. In this case, human beings are being compared to "dingy shades," suggesting a sense of darkness or melancholy.

Examples of metaphors:
- The world is a stage.
- Life is a journey.

Synonyms for "metaphor" include "figure of speech," "symbolism," or "comparison."

10) To determine what the poem is about and the message the poet wants to convey, it's necessary to read and analyze the poem. Look for recurring themes, symbols, or motifs throughout the poem. Pay attention to the poet's choice of words and their connotations. Additionally, consider the historical or cultural context of the poem, as these factors can often provide insight into the poet's intentions.

11) Yes, I can rephrase it. Here's an alternative phrasing of your question: "Could you provide a paraphrased version of the poem's main idea and the message the poet aims to communicate?"

12) To provide the meaning of specific words and examples of their use, please provide the words you would like me to explain.