DigiCom has decided to purchase products with a list price of $503.60 and a trade discount of 40%.

What is the amount of discount on the products?

A, discount amnt d, discount rate
L, list price


What is the net price of the products?


is it correct?

nvm! i got it!

Yes, your calculations are correct!

To find the amount of discount on the products, you multiply the list price by the discount rate. In this case, the list price is $503.60 and the discount rate is 40%. So, the amount of discount would be 40% of $503.60, which is $201.44.

To find the net price of the products, you subtract the discount amount from the list price. In this case, the discount amount is $201.44 and the list price is $503.60. So, the net price would be $503.60 minus $201.44, which equals $302.16.

So, your calculations for both the amount of discount and the net price are correct!