Sample salaries (in dollars) of high school teachers are listed. Find the sample mean and standard deviation of the data.


The sample mean is the sum divided by 8 (the number of people) Call than number Xm.

The standard deviation is the square root of the average of [Salary ^2] - Xm^2.

You could also calculate it as the square root of the average of [Salary -Xm)^2

The first way is faster.

To find the sample mean and standard deviation of the data, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add up all the salaries
49,632 + 54,619 + 58,298 + 48,250 + 51,842 + 50,875 + 43,219 + 49,924 = 406,459

Step 2: Determine the number of salaries in the data
In this case, there are 8 salaries.

Step 3: Calculate the sample mean (average)
Mean = Sum of all salaries / Number of salaries
Mean = 406,459 / 8
Mean ≈ 50,807.375

The sample mean of the given data is approximately $50,807.375.

Step 4: Calculate the sum of squared differences from the mean
Subtract the mean from each salary, square the result, and sum up the squared differences.

Squared difference for each salary:
(49,632 - 50,807.375)² = 140265.5156
(54,619 - 50,807.375)² = 143918.1406
(58,298 - 50,807.375)² = 56490.7656
(48,250 - 50,807.375)² = 65470.0156
(51,842 - 50,807.375)² = 107195.6406
(50,875 - 50,807.375)² = 4504.2656
(43,219 - 50,807.375)² = 56989.0156
(49,924 - 50,807.375)² = 78324.0156

Step 5: Calculate the variance
Variance = Sum of squared differences / (Number of salaries - 1)
Variance = (140265.5156 + 143918.1406 + 56490.7656 + 65470.0156 + 107195.6406 + 4504.2656 + 56989.0156 + 78324.0156) / (8-1)
Variance ≈ 413620.1395

Step 6: Calculate the standard deviation
Standard Deviation = square root of the variance
Standard Deviation ≈ sqrt(413620.1395)
Standard Deviation ≈ 642.705

Therefore, the sample standard deviation of the given data is approximately $642.705.