is the N AURU religion kept alive today? If the culture/religion lives, how has Western culture changed it?

Apparently the indigenous religion on the island of Nauru is not alive today.

sorry ms sue but i am not understanding this assignment correctly

Is the NAURU religion kept alive today?

The obvious answer is -- no.

If the culture/religion lives, how has Western culture changed it?
Since it isn't "alive" anymore, technically you wouldn't have to answer this question. However, I'd read the first three paragraphs of that link Ms. Sue sent you, and summarize them.

How has the western culture changed the Aboriginal religion

The Nauru religion, also known as the Nauruan Traditional Religion (NTR), is still practiced to some extent today on the small island nation of Nauru in the Pacific Ocean. However, it has undergone various changes and adaptations due to the influences of Western culture and the introduction of Christianity.

To determine the current status of the Nauru religion or NTR, you could follow these steps:

1. Research: Start by gathering information about the traditional Nauruan religion. Look for historical sources, ethnographic studies, or scholarly articles to understand its beliefs, practices, and cultural significance. This will give you a foundation to compare with the present.

2. Nauru's history and cultural changes: Familiarize yourself with Nauru's history and how Western culture has impacted it. Nauru was colonized by various foreign powers, including Germany, Australia, and later became a British mandate territory. These outside influences, including the introduction of Christianity, have likely shaped the culture and religious practices of the Nauruan people.

3. Community engagement: Interact with the Nauruan community or individuals with knowledge about Nauruan culture and religion. This can be done through social media platforms, online forums, or even contacting local organizations or experts who specialize in Nauruan studies. Engaging with the community may provide you with valuable insights about the current state of the Nauru religion.

It is important to note that the influence of Western culture, including Christianity, has led to a decline in the practice of the Nauru religion. Many Nauruans have converted to Christianity, particularly the Protestant denomination, which is now the dominant religion on the island. This has undoubtedly influenced Nauruan cultural practices and traditions.

However, elements of the Nauru religion may still be present in Nauruan culture, even among those who identify as Christians. Indigenous beliefs and practices often intertwine with new religious influences, creating a unique syncretic blend. The only way to truly understand the current state of the Nauru religion is by speaking with the Nauruan people and studying the cultural practices on the island.