A child slides down a slide with a 24 incline, and at the bottom her speed is precisely half what it would have been if the slide had been frictionless.Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the slide and the child.

assume the height is h, the angle of the slide is theta

Starting PE= mgh
friction force work= 1/2 mgh= mu*mg*CosTheta* distance
but distance= h/sinTheta

mu= 1/2 tanTheta

check that.

I have no idea what your 24 inclinemeans.

COrrection on the problem. Its suppose to be 24 degree incline.

I did mu= 1/2tan(24degrees)= .222
.222 was not the right answer for some reason.
Can you help please?

It's supposed to be

mu= 3/4 tan theta.
Let me know if that's what you're looking for.

How did you get 3/4 Tan 24?

damn i'm in 2020 now, and looking at stuff from 2010 I was only 2 years old in 2010 WoW

To calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the slide and the child, we can use the concept of conservation of energy.

Let's break down the problem into two parts: the slide and the child.

1. Slide:
The potential energy (PE) of the child at the top of the slide gets converted into kinetic energy (KE) at the bottom of the slide. The equation for potential energy is PE = m * g * h, where m is the mass of the child, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height of the slide (unknown).

2. Child:
The kinetic energy of the child at the bottom of the slide can be calculated using the equation KE = (1/2) * m * v^2, where v is the speed of the child at the bottom of the slide (unknown).

Now, since the speed of the child at the bottom of the slide is precisely half what it would have been if the slide had been frictionless, we can say that v = (1/2) * v_frictionless, where v_frictionless is the speed the child would have had without friction.

Next, we need to find the relationship between the height of the slide and the speed of the child. We know that the slide has an incline of 24 degrees. We can use trigonometry to find the height of the slide (h) in terms of the length of the slide (L). We can use the equation h = L * sin(theta), where theta is the incline angle. In this case, theta = 24 degrees.

Now, we have enough information to set up our equation.

m * g * h = (1/2) * m * (1/2 * v_frictionless)^2

We can cancel out the mass (m) from both sides of the equation, and rearrange it to solve for h:

g * h = (1/2) * (1/2 * v_frictionless)^2
2 * g * h = (1/4) * v_frictionless^2
8 * g * h = v_frictionless^2

Now, we need to relate the speed of the child (v) to the coefficient of kinetic friction (μ). The equation for kinetic friction is f_kinetic = μ * N, where N is the normal force. Since the child is sliding downward, perpendicular to the slide, the normal force cancels out the gravitational force in that direction. Therefore, N = m * g.

The force due to kinetic friction can be written as f_kinetic = m * a, where a is the acceleration due to the kinetic friction. We can calculate a as a = g * μ.

Now, the force due to kinetic friction is equal to the change in kinetic energy:

f_kinetic = m * a
μ * m * g = m * (v^2 - v_frictionless^2) / (2 * L)

We can cancel out the mass (m) from both sides of the equation and rearrange it to solve for μ:

μ * g = (v^2 - v_frictionless^2) / (2 * L)

Now, we need to relate the speed of the child with the height of the slide. Using the equation v = (1/2) * v_frictionless, we can substitute v as (1/2) * v_frictionless in the equation above:

μ * g = ((1/2) * v_frictionless)^2 - v_frictionless^2) / (2 * L)
μ * g = (1/4) * v_frictionless^2 - v_frictionless^2) / (2 * L)
μ * g = -(3/4) * v_frictionless^2) / (2 * L)
μ * g = -(3/8) * v_frictionless^2 / L

Finally, we have the equation to calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction:

μ = -(3/8) * v_frictionless^2 / (g * L)

Now, to get the exact value of the coefficient of kinetic friction, you need to know the length of the slide (L) and the speed of the child without friction (v_frictionless).