The thermoshpere is 415 km deep. Calculate the percent of the atmosphere made up by the thermosphere if the total atmospehere extends 500 km.

I need to show my work ~ help!
thank you so much!

You divide 415 by 500.


Convert the decimal to percent so .83=83%.

I wish I could show my work for 415/500, but that's kinda hard to do on the computer.

Thank you Bobby you are a life saver!

No problem.

Thank you. My son had the same problem tonight. Thanks....

No the answer is 85 because, you subtract 500-415=85.

To calculate the percentage of the atmosphere made up by the thermosphere, we need to know the depth of the thermosphere and the total depth of the atmosphere. In this case, the thermosphere is 415 km deep, and the total atmosphere extends 500 km.

To find the percentage, we can use the proportion:

Percentage = (Thermosphere Depth / Total Atmosphere Depth) * 100

Plugging in the values we have:

Percentage = (415 km / 500 km) * 100

Now, let's calculate the percentage:

Percentage = (0.83) * 100
Percentage = 83%

Therefore, the thermosphere makes up 83% of the total atmosphere.