A train departs its home station traveling at 50 mph. It is 400 miles from your location. How long will it take to arrive at your location?

Your school subject certainly is not college!

400/50 = ?

It also is not your grade level.

400/50= 8 hours, now that I did your work for you 2nd grader, your welcome

well the answer will be = 450

To find out how long it will take for the train to arrive at your location, you need to determine the travel time using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

In this case, the distance the train needs to travel is 400 miles, and the speed of the train is given as 50 mph. So, to calculate the time it will take for the train to reach your location, you can use the formula:

Time = 400 miles / 50 mph

After simplification, the units will cancel out, leaving you with:

Time = 8 hours

Therefore, it will take approximately 8 hours for the train to arrive at your location.