Bananas cost $0.98 per kilogram.

About how many 170-g bananas can you buy for 1 dollar



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I bought 10 bananas. Each banana weighed 50 grams. If the price for bananas was $6.50 per kg, how much did I pay?

To determine how many 170-g bananas you can buy for 1 dollar, we need to first convert the dollar amount into the unit of price given (dollars per kilogram).

We know that bananas cost $0.98 per kilogram. We can convert this into dollars per gram by dividing the price by 1000: $0.98 / 1000 = $0.00098 per gram.

Next, we need to determine how many grams we can buy for 1 dollar. We divide the dollar amount by the price per gram: 1 / $0.00098 = 1020.41 grams.

Now, we have the number of grams we can buy for 1 dollar. To find out how many 170-g bananas we can purchase, we divide the total grams by the weight of each banana: 1020.41 grams / 170 grams = 6 bananas.

Therefore, you can buy approximately 6 170-g bananas for 1 dollar.