What would be the acid base reaction of:

c2h30- and phenol(benzenol) C6H5OH be?

Ok so this would result in the production of water, and the double bonds in phenol would open up and react, but I don't know what the end product would be??

I am not clear what the two reacting species are, do you really mean



An acid base reacion is very unlikely to open up the benzene ring in phenol. Benzene rings are very stable, it is quite easy to attach new groups and carbon fragments, but disrupting the benzene ring is not easy.

I assume the anion is C2H3O2^- which I expect means acetate ion. That is a strong base and reacts with phOH to give

HC2H3O2 + phO^-; acetic acid and phenoxide ion. The double bonds in the benzene ring do NOT open.
NOTE: This is the same KIND of reaction as the hydrolysis of water.
C2H3O2^- + HOH ==> HC2H3O2 + OH^-

To determine the acid-base reaction between C2H3O- (ethoxide ion) and phenol (C6H5OH), we first need to identify the relevant acid and base.

In this case, the ethoxide ion (C2H3O-) can act as a base since it can accept a proton (H+). On the other hand, phenol (C6H5OH) can act as an acid since it can donate a proton (H+).

The acid-base reaction between C2H3O- and C6H5OH can be summarized as follows:

C2H3O- + C6H5OH → C2H3OH + C6H5O-

Here's the explanation:

1. C2H3O- (ethoxide ion) acts as a base and accepts a proton (H+) from C6H5OH (phenol).

2. The proton transfer leads to the formation of C2H3OH (ethanol) and C6H5O- (phenoxide ion).

The end products of this acid-base reaction are ethanol (C2H3OH) and phenoxide ion (C6H5O-).

It is worth noting that the double bonds in phenol are not involved in this acid-base reaction. Instead, the reaction is focused on the proton transfer from phenol to the ethoxide ion.