Provide examples of effective classroom-management strategies for each category.

The categories are Classroom Expectations and Procedures for Two Different Age Groups, Time-Management Strategies for Continuity and Strategies for Dealing With Disruptive and Off-Task Behaviors

Can you please help me find the info thanks? I can’t seem to find anything

Go to and enter different search terms. If you don't get what you need, keep thinking of other search terms to use.


Classroom Expectations Procedures Two Different Age Groups education

Time-Management Strategies continuity education

Strategies Dealing With Disruptive Off-Task Behaviors education

You may have to search and research, but once you learn some good sources and methods, you should have success. In addition to searching on the Internet, you also need to make best friends with the reference librarian(s) in your local or college library. Libraries these days subscribe to enormous research databases, and they are often more useful than Internet searches. Ask your librarian if you have access to EBSCOHost -- it has several databases within it, including a huge one for academic research.

For Internet searching:
At this webpage, you can go immediately to the search sites (first three columns across the top) -- or even better you can scroll down until you see the section called HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET. Those are the links to start with. You'll not only learn how to come up with good search terms, but also how to evaluate the webpages you get as results. Some will be good and others will be garbage. You need to know how to tell the difference.

My favorite way to search is to go to Google's advanced search page and put my search words or phrases into the first or second search box (either "all the words" or "exact phrase"). Another is to start out at However, there many other strategies for searching you can use, and the HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET section will help you best.

Learning to use Google or other search engines can save you time and help you learn to find information efficiently. Here are some websites that can teach you how:

... and one to help you judge whether a particular website's information is worth your time:

This page has many sites with good information.

Certainly! Here are some examples of effective classroom-management strategies for each category:

1. Classroom Expectations and Procedures for Two Different Age Groups:
- For younger children (e.g., pre-K to primary grades), use visual cues such as pictures and posters to represent class rules and routines. Keep instructions short and simple, and provide lots of positive reinforcement.
- For older children (e.g., middle school to high school), involve students in setting classroom rules and expectations. Clearly communicate these expectations, and develop consistent consequences for any rule violations.

2. Time-Management Strategies for Continuity:
- Use a visual schedule or agenda to help students understand the daily routine and lesson sequence. This can reduce transition time and help students stay on track.
- Incorporate time management skills into lessons, such as setting goals, using timers, and prioritizing tasks. Teach students how to effectively manage their time, schedule breaks, and maintain focus.

3. Strategies for Dealing with Disruptive and Off-Task Behaviors:
- Implement a behavior management system that includes both rewards for positive behavior and consequences for misbehavior. Clearly communicate these expectations to students and consistently enforce them.
- Use a variety of proactive strategies to prevent off-task behavior, such as providing engaging and hands-on activities, giving clear instructions, and monitoring student progress. Address off-task behavior immediately to minimize disruptions.

To find more information on these topics, you can consider the following steps:
1. Search for educational books or resources on classroom management strategies. Look for titles that specifically focus on the age groups you are interested in.
2. Check educational websites or blogs that provide guidelines and practical tips for effective classroom management. Websites like Edutopia, Teaching Channel, and ASCD are reputable sources for such information.
3. Connect with other teachers or educators through professional networks or social media platforms. Joining online teaching communities or forums can provide you with valuable insights and recommendations from experienced educators.

Remember to always adapt and tailor the strategies to the specific needs and dynamics of your own classroom and students.