Can someone help me find a web site that discusses the issues of the Presidential Election of 160 with Kennedy and Nixion? Thanks

Reac widely.

Certainly! I'd be happy to assist you in finding a website that discusses the issues of the Presidential Election of 1960, which involved John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. To find websites on this topic, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser: Launch any web browser you prefer, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.

2. Go to a search engine: Once the web browser is open, navigate to a search engine homepage. The most popular search engine is Google (, so we will use that as an example.

3. Enter relevant keywords: In the search engine's search bar, enter specific keywords related to your topic. For this case, you can use something like "Presidential Election of 1960 Kennedy Nixon issues."

4. Analyze search results: After hitting the enter key or clicking on the search button, you will be presented with a list of search results. These results typically contain website links relevant to your query.

5. Visit credible websites: Look for websites that appear to be authoritative and credible, such as government websites, reputable news outlets, or educational institutions. These sources often provide more accurate and reliable information. Be cautious of biased or unreliable sources.

6. Review website content: Visit the websites that seem promising by clicking on their links. Once you're on a page, read through its content to see if it discusses the issues of the Presidential Election of 1960. Look for articles, analyses, or historical accounts that provide in-depth information on the topic.

7. Repeat if necessary: If you don't find what you're looking for on the first few websites, you can try different search queries or check additional search results.

Remember, I cannot browse the internet directly, but by following these steps, you should be able to find a website that discusses the issues of the Presidential Election of 1960 involving Kennedy and Nixon.