Let P be the point on the unit circle U that corresponds to t. Find the coordinates of P and the exact values of the trigonometric functions of t, whenever possible. (If there is no solution, enter NO SOLUTION.)

Looking for sin, cos, tan,cot, csc, and sec

To find the coordinates of point P on the unit circle that corresponds to t, you can use the trigonometric properties of the unit circle. The unit circle is centered at the origin (0,0) and has a radius of 1.

To find the coordinates of P, use the following formulas:
x-coordinate of P = cos(t)
y-coordinate of P = sin(t)

Let's calculate the coordinates of P for t = 9π/4:

x-coordinate of P = cos(9π/4)
To find the exact value of cos(9π/4), let's first simplify the angle: 9π/4 = 8π/4 + π/4 = 2π + π/4

Now, cos(2π + π/4) = cos(2π)cos(π/4) - sin(2π)sin(π/4)

Remember that cos(2π) = 1 and sin(2π) = 0, so we have:
cos(2π + π/4) = 1 * cos(π/4) - 0 * sin(π/4) = cos(π/4) = 1/√2

Therefore, the x-coordinate of P is 1/√2.

y-coordinate of P = sin(9π/4)
Using the same strategy, we can simplify the angle: 9π/4 = 8π/4 + π/4 = 2π + π/4

Now, sin(2π + π/4) = sin(2π)cos(π/4) + cos(2π)sin(π/4)

Again, cos(2π) = 1 and sin(2π) = 0, so we have:
sin(2π + π/4) = 0 * cos(π/4) + 1 * sin(π/4) = sin(π/4) = 1/√2

Therefore, the y-coordinate of P is 1/√2.

Now let's calculate the values of the trigonometric functions:

sin(t) = sin(9π/4) = 1/√2
cos(t) = cos(9π/4) = 1/√2
tan(t) = sin(t)/cos(t) = (1/√2)/(1/√2) = 1
cot(t) = 1/tan(t) = 1/1 = 1
csc(t) = 1/sin(t) = 1/(1/√2) = √2
sec(t) = 1/cos(t) = 1/(1/√2) = √2

Therefore, the coordinates of P are (1/√2, 1/√2), and the exact values of the trigonometric functions for t = 9π/4 are:
sin(t) = 1/√2
cos(t) = 1/√2
tan(t) = 1
cot(t) = 1
csc(t) = √2
sec(t) = √2