ok, can somebody explain how to do this?

simplify by adding like terms. write the answer with all variables in the numerator.
x^2y 4x^2p^3 2xp 5y
---- - ------- - ------- - -----
p^-3 y^-1 y^-1p^2 p^-3x^-2

PLEASE HELP ME!!!! i'm homeschooled so i cant continue w/ the rest of my subjects until i know how to do this. thanx.
-AlLy E.

Moving all the denominator terms to the numerator (changing the signs of the exponents in the denominator..)

x^2y 4x^2p^3 2xp 5y p^3 y^1 y^1p^-2p^3x^2

Then combining like terms.
x^(2+2+1+2) y^(4+1+1)p^(3+3-2) check that.

To simplify the expression, we need to combine the like terms and rewrite the answer with all variables in the numerator.

Let's break down each term in the expression and identify the variables and their exponents:

First term: x^2y / p^-3y^-1
- The variable x has an exponent of 2.
- The variable y has an exponent of 1.
- The variable p has an exponent of -3.

Second term: 4x^2p^3 / y^-1p^-3x^-2
- The variable x has an exponent of 2.
- The variable y has an exponent of -1.
- The variable p has an exponent of 3.

Third term: 2xp / y^-1p^2
- The variable x has an exponent of 1.
- The variable y has an exponent of -1.
- The variable p has an exponent of 2.

Fourth term: 5y / p^-3x^-2
- The variable y has an exponent of 1.
- The variable p has an exponent of -3.
- The variable x has an exponent of -2.

To combine like terms, we need to have the same variables with the same exponents. In this case, we have variables x, y, and p.

Let's begin by combining the x terms:
The first term has x^2, the second term has 4x^2, and the third term has 2x. Adding them together gives us 7x^2.

Next, let's combine the y terms:
The first term has y, the second term does not have a y, the third term does not have a y, and the fourth term has 5y. Adding them together gives us 6y.

Now, let's combine the p terms:
The first term has p^-3, the second term has p^3, the third term has p, and the fourth term has p^-3. Adding them together gives us p^0, which simplifies to 1 since any number or variable raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Putting it all together, the simplified expression with all variables in the numerator is:

7x^2y / 6

Remember to always double-check your work and make sure you simplify the terms correctly. Good luck with the rest of your homeschooling! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.