What famous founder rejected the Constitution?

Patrick Henry, George Mason, Robert Yates, and Samuel Adams.

John Hancock and James Monroe also opposed the Constitution for a while. Those in opposition called themselves Anti-federalists. Read more about it at


The famous founder who is commonly associated with rejecting the Constitution is Thomas Jefferson. However, it is important to note that he did not completely reject the Constitution but rather expressed reservations and concerns about certain aspects of it.

To find out more about this, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by conducting a search on the internet by typing "famous founders who rejected the Constitution."

2. Among the search results, you will likely come across references to Thomas Jefferson's views on the Constitution.

3. Select credible sources such as historical websites, academic articles, or books written by reputable authors to understand the context and specifics of Jefferson's position on the Constitution.

4. Read and analyze his writings, letters, or speeches to gain a deeper understanding of his concerns and objections regarding the Constitution.

By following these steps, you can gather information and achieve a better understanding of Thomas Jefferson's relationship with the Constitution.