how are chemicals and physicals weathering affect

I think you mean chemical and mechanical weathering. This site explains them.

Chemical and physical weathering are two different processes that contribute to the breakdown and alteration of rocks and landforms over time.

Chemical weathering occurs when certain chemical reactions take place between the minerals in rocks and environmental factors such as water, air, and acids. This can lead to the dissolution or decomposition of minerals, resulting in the erosion and breakdown of the rock. Some common examples of chemical weathering processes include oxidation, hydrolysis, and carbonation.

Physical weathering, on the other hand, involves the mechanical breakdown of rocks without any significant change in their chemical composition. It typically occurs through physical processes such as temperature changes, pressure, freeze-thaw cycles, and abrasion. Over time, these physical forces can break rocks into smaller fragments, altering their shape and size.

The effects of chemical and physical weathering can be seen in various ways. Chemical weathering can lead to the formation of new minerals or the alteration of existing ones, resulting in changes in color, texture, and strength of the rock. It can also contribute to the formation of cracks, crevices, and caves in limestone landscapes. Physical weathering, on the other hand, can cause the disintegration of rocks into smaller particles, leading to the formation of sediments and soil. It can also result in the rounding of sharp edges and the detachment of rock layers.

To understand how chemicals and physical weathering affect specific rocks or landforms in a particular area, one can conduct field observations or perform laboratory experiments. By examining the composition of the rocks, analyzing the environmental factors at play, and observing any notable changes or patterns, scientists can gain insights into the processes and effects of chemical and physical weathering.