I want to see earth in satellite image. I know about google and wikimapia, are there any other sites that have satellite images for you to see for free?

Yes, apart from Google and Wikimapia, there are other websites that provide free satellite imagery of Earth. Here are a few options:

1. NASA Worldview (worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov): This website offers a wide range of satellite imagery from various Earth-observing satellites. It allows you to browse, filter, and download images from different sensors and satellites.

2. Bing Maps (bing.com/maps): Bing Maps also provides satellite imagery. Simply go to the website, enter your desired location, switch to the satellite view, and explore the Earth from above.

3. OpenStreetMap (openstreetmap.org): While primarily known for its detailed maps, OpenStreetMap also provides satellite imagery. Use the search bar to find your desired location, click on the layers icon (usually in the top right corner), and choose the satellite view.

4. Esri World Imagery (arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?useExisting=1): Esri, a provider of Geographic Information System (GIS) software, offers World Imagery, which includes high-resolution satellite imagery. You can access it through their web viewer by searching for a location or zooming in on the map.

Remember that the availability and resolution of satellite imagery may vary depending on the region and the source of the data.