what should I include in my discussion when writing up my heating substances lab experiment?

We have no idea what you did; you want to put more information in your report than you did in your question.

how many moles h2o are used produced for each mole of h2 used?

You should post your own question instead of piggy backing onto another. Generally, piggy backed questions get overlooked. When you post your question, be sure to include all of the data; for example, what reacted with H2 to produce H2O?

When writing up your heating substances lab experiment, there are several important components to include in the discussion section. Here are some key points to cover:

1. Objective: Begin the discussion by restating the objective of your experiment. Explain why you conducted the experiment and what you aimed to investigate or observe.

2. Results and observations: Present and discuss the results and observations that you obtained during the heating substances experiment. This may include changes in temperature, physical changes, color changes, or any other relevant qualitative or quantitative data. Be sure to include any trends or patterns you observed.

3. Analysis and interpretation: Describe and interpret your results. What do the observations and data imply? Were there any unexpected findings or deviations from your initial hypothesis? Compare your findings to your expectations or to established theories or principles.

4. Experimental limitations: Discuss any limitations or potential sources of error in your experiment. This could include factors such as equipment limitations, human error, or other experimental constraints that may have influenced your results. Addressing limitations demonstrates scientific rigor and helps to contextualize your findings.

5. Possible sources of uncertainty: Identify any sources of uncertainty that might affect the reliability or validity of your results. This can include uncertainties associated with measurements, instrumental precision, or sampling techniques. Discuss how these uncertainties may have impacted your conclusions.

6. Suggestions for improvement: Provide suggestions for improving the experiment or addressing limitations. This could involve proposing additional control experiments, modifying the procedure, or using alternative methods to mitigate sources of error or uncertainty.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and significance of your experiment. Restate the key points and explain how they contribute to the understanding of the topic or scientific principles being investigated.

Remember, always support your discussion with evidence from your results, and be clear and concise in your explanations.