Can you help me with this problem?

1.2 (1+ 23.0 x 10-6/°C*50) Thank You.

i don't know, this is just a guess, but would you use distributive property?
if so it would be:

wouldnt it? I don't know. i'm really not good at stuff like this. this was just a suggestion.

To solve the given expression, you can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction) to simplify the expression step by step.

Let's break down the expression according to the order of operations:

1. First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
23.0 x 10^(-6) / °C * 50

To simplify this step, we need to perform the multiplication and division from left to right:
23.0 x (10^(-6) / °C) * 50

Next, we have 10^(-6) which can be rewritten as 1/10^6:
23.0 x (1 / 10^6 / °C) * 50

Now we can simplify the division by multiplying by the reciprocal of 1/10^6:
23.0 x (1/10^6 * °C) * 50
23.0 x °C / 10^6 * 50

Finally, we can combine the multiplication into one fraction:
23.0 * °C * 50 / 10^6

2. Now let's substitute this simplified expression back into the original expression:
1.2 * (1 + 23.0 * °C * 50 / 10^6)

3. Next, let's perform the remaining multiplication and addition:
1 + 23.0 * °C * 50 / 10^6
1 + 1150.0 * °C / 10^6

4. Finally, multiply 1150.0 * °C and divide by 10^6, and then add 1:
1 + 1150.0 * °C / 10^6
1 + (1150.0 * °C) / (10^6)
1 + (1150.0 * °C) * 10^(-6)

The final expression is: 1 + 1150.0 * °C * 10^(-6)

Now you can substitute any given value for °C into this expression to get the result.