You are a board member of your Home Owner’s Association. At your next meeting, your goal is to educate other homeowners about energy conservation.

Review the following Energy Resource Plan outline:


Provide information about why conserving energy is important.

Renewable versus Nonrenewable

1.Briefly distinguish between these two types of energy.

Methods to conserve and help the environment

1.What can each member do, personally, to conserve energy and help the environment at the same time?
2.Provide at least three methods.

Government efforts

1.How can the government be involved in conservation efforts?


1.Wrap up the meeting with a brief summary of your main points.
2.Provide some motivation for conserving energy with a memorable slogan, statement, or song, for example.

OK. I've reviewed it. Now what?

Energy Resource Plan Outline:

- Start the meeting by providing information about why conserving energy is important. Explain the environmental impact and the necessity of reducing our energy consumption.

Renewable versus Nonrenewable:
- Briefly distinguish between these two types of energy resources. Explain that renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are sustainable and can be naturally replenished, while nonrenewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels, cannot be replenished once depleted.

Methods to conserve and help the environment:
- Discuss what each member can do personally to conserve energy and help the environment at the same time. Provide at least three methods for homeowners to implement:
1. Energy-efficient appliances: Encourage members to switch to energy-efficient appliances that are labeled with an ENERGY STAR rating. These appliances consume less energy and contribute to lower electricity bills.
2. Insulation and weatherization: Advocate for proper insulation of homes, sealing energy leaks, and weatherizing windows and doors. This helps reduce the need for heating and cooling, resulting in energy savings.
3. Smart energy consumption: Educate members about the importance of turning off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use. Encourage the use of power strips and timers to automatically control energy usage.

Government efforts:
- Discuss how the government can be involved in conservation efforts:
1. Incentives and rebates: Highlight the various incentives and rebates offered by the government for homeowners who invest in renewable energy sources like solar panels or energy-efficient upgrades.
2. Energy regulations: Explain the role of the government in implementing energy efficiency standards for appliances, vehicles, and buildings. These regulations ensure that energy consumption is minimized and sustainable practices are encouraged.

- Wrap up the meeting with a brief summary of the main points discussed during the session. Highlight the importance of collective efforts in conserving energy and emphasize the positive impact it can have on the environment and homeowners' expenses.
- Provide motivation for conserving energy by offering a memorable slogan, statement, or song. For example, you can create a slogan like "Save Today, Power Tomorrow!" or find an existing energy conservation campaign song to play at the end of the meeting to leave a lasting impression.

Remember to encourage questions, engage in discussions, and provide additional resources such as websites or documents for homeowners to further educate themselves on energy conservation.